Thrilling Stories (in 30 words or less)

A collection of thrilling stories, told in 30 words or less.

Want to tell us your story (in 30 words or less)? Then email us quickly (email can contain more than 30 words).

Travelling Home, by Emma Eaton-Smith

The orangutans waited patiently at check-in, their suitcases full of souvenir shortbread and decorative teatowels. They looked disapprovingly over at the caribou, who were being drunk and obnoxious in WHSmiths.

Maxwell's Quest, by Shrinkwrapped

Maxwell marched his sandwich up to the cashier. "What the FUCK is all this writing on the box about?"

"It's... the list of ingredients?", the cashier shrugged.

Maxwell stormed out.

The Egg (I), by Fran Read

She had an egg growing in her stomach. When she pressed it with her palm it cracked a little, and when it hatched it caught in her throat.

The Egg (II), by Fran Read

She had an Easter egg delivered. It was round and smooth and rich. But when she ate the chocolates she collapsed, guts burning with rat poison.

Fear, by Tommy Cockles

He woke up hungover to find himself clinging to a small concrete ledge. Panic set in, then faded. He was laying on the pavement with one hand on the kerb.

Saving the world, by Luke Elliott

As our hero came tumbling from the huge explosion, the series of shocked people around him made him aware that the moisturiser factory was the wrong target.