Statement of faith

The following Infinite Cone Sun Society Statement of Faith is in agreement with the Statement of Faith of The Infinite Cone Sun Alliance. We have added further statements of belief concerning The Infinite Cone Sun.


1 The sun is a cone, and we can see the the flat bottom of the cone, which is always facing us, and on the other side it just slowly stretches off to a point at infinity

2 The flat base of the Cone Sune is finite, obviously. Also it is 1,000,837,382,289,000,000,000,182,001 light years in diameter

3 The Infinite Cone Sun is an unknow distance away from Earth. Several attempts have been made to measure the distance, but none have succeeded

4 Inside the Infinite Cone Sun are an infinite number of slightly smaller Infinite Cone Suns

5 The Infinite Cone Sun was created 373,299,293,383,374,557 years ago, on a planet inhabited by warmish space oxen. Their race was destroyed by a war

6 The Infinite Cone Sun revolves around its central point once every 19.727365273889384673627283847667771 years

7 The average temperature of the Infinite Cone Sun has never been measured. No attempts have been made to measure it. However it is assumed that it is roughly whatever the body temperature of a warmish space oxen would have been

8 Inside the Infinite Cone Sun, time does not exist. This basically means you won't age, but everything else will be exactly the same. When you exit the Infinite Cone Sun, 72,364,271,273,213.9999992 thousand years will have past

9 We maintain that what is called 'Science' today and 'scientists' consist of the same old gang of witch doctors, sorcerers, tellers of tales, the 'Priest-Entertainers' for the common people.

10 'Science' consists of a weird, way-out occult concoction of gibberish theory-theology...unrelated to the real world of facts, technology and inventions, tall buildings and fast cars, airplanes and other Real and Good things in life; technology is not in any way related to the web of idiotic scientific theory. ALL inventors have been anti-science.

11 The Wright brothers said: "Science theory held us up for years. When we threw out all science, started from experiment and experience, then we invented the airplane." By the way, airplanes all fly level under this infinite cone sun.

12 Earth is not actually a sphere, but a complex inverted anti-sphere. Before it inverted, the mountains were actually valleys, and the valleys mountains!

13 As the Earth rotates energy is transferred from the Earth to the Sun. This self regulating mechanism will prevent global warming

14 The moon is also an infinite cone. During a solar eclipse, it stops being infinite for the duration of the eclipse

15 Lunar eclipses are easily explained by there being an object that occasionally blocks the moon, which is completely undetectable by science

16 Any attempt to draw, imagine or in any other way visualise the unseen Infinite Cone section of the Sun is prohibited

17 Women are not permitted within the Central Debating Hall

18 The Chairman of The Infinite Cone Sun Society is Ron Bowers. In his spare time, Ron Bowers hunts ghosts