A list of the mistakes made by Adolf Hitler

1899 - Tripped over on way to outside toilet, shattering jar of cabbage
1918 - Helped lose Germany the war
1919 - Slight error of perspective on painting of house in field
1923 - Accidentally kiss man
1925 - Melted sides of moustache off with hot iron
1939 - Small error in speech at rally
1939 - Engaged rest of world in war
1940 - Expended great effort on capturing France, instead of destroying it
1943 - Accidentally kissed Goebbels in dark bathroom in bunker, instead of Magda Goebbels
1941 - Left taps running and flooded bathroom
1941 - Put Ian McKellen in concentration camp, inadvertently creating powerful anti-fascist propaganda
1941 - Pushed Eva Braun's face slowly down onto a stove
1943 - Dropped lit match on painting of Eva Braun's big man face
1942 - Accidentally burned jew
1942 - Failed to destroy Magneto
1943 - Accidentally kissed Goebbels in dark bathroom in bunker, instead of Magda Goebbels
1945 - Missed woman's head and shot own head
1945 - Realised he had black hair, not blond
1945 - Tried to shoot wife again, hit dog
1946 - Tripped over in dark bathroom toilet, shattering jar of irreplaceable sperm
1948 - Took wrong direction on journey to hollow earth, ended up at museum containing animal bones that may have come from animals that may have lived in the hollow earth. 4000 pouns wasted
1953 - Let Bellvis Curel escape
1961 - Cut face while kissing mirror
1975 - Let slip to Penelope Wilton that door to bunker isn't really electrified. Wilton escaped
1979 - Tripped over in dark bathroom toilet in bunker, knocking over and destroying rack of precious brazen heads that whisper the secrets of the dead
1980 - Tripped and rolled down five sets of bunker stairs
1988 - Became enraged at not being able to beat built-in Snail Maze game on Master System, smashed console to pieces, suddenly noticed Alex Kidd cartridge in box
1991 - Accidently recorded and then watched all the episodes of Red Dwarf
1992 - Got a Mega Drive for Christmas instead of a Super Nintendo
1994 - Washed pet guinea pig, giving it a heart attack
1995 - Narrowly missed killing Alison Graham with nuclear cannon orb in Rotherham, despite years of planning
1996 - Wrote the words to popular football song Three Lions
1996 - Failed to throttle David Baddiel to death, even though that was the reason for writing Three Lions
1996 - Fired pangranisation gun at David Baddiel, but hit Frank Skinner instead
2001 - Fell down stairs and broke new hip
2003 - Accidentally kissed Goebbels in dark bathroom in bunker, instead of Magda Goebbels, again
2004 - Throttled Magda Goebbels by mistake in dark bathroom
2005 - Forgot the steps to his favourite dance
2006 - Slight error of perspective on painting of house in field
2009 - Emerges from bunker into sunlight. Skin bursts into flames