Balor, from the planet Progron!

Oh no! It's Balor, from the planet Progron!

Oh no! He's got crewman Terald!

Oh no!

Oh no what's he doing now!

Balor, from the planet Progron

Age: Immortal
Weaknesses: None
Strengths: Cannot be stopped
Fact: "Balor cannot help but attack every man he meets"

"Oh no! He cannot be stopped!"
"I will stop you, Balor, from the planet Progron!"
"Oh no!"
"He must be stopped! But how?"

Your technology is based on boxes? You are like INSECTS to me!

We need to do trick in order to kill Balor. But what? And how?

New sign reads 'Sandwich Room'

"Balor! I will defeat you!"

"I will never be defeated by the likes of you!"
"Someone open Space Door!"
"Oh no!"
"Let us never speak of this again!"

Next week:

Space Lovejoy, from the planet Luton, brings death and destruction upon the crew

"Do not touch the miniature antique plane!"

"I love miniature antique plane!"

"Oh no!"